Relatives of a South Carolina man killed by a police officer while running away have called for justice following the shooting — the latest in a series of killings of black men by U.S. cops.

The Guardian reports:

The family of Walter Scott plans to file a civil lawsuit against the police. North Charleston police officer Michael Slager has been charged with murder.

Scott, 50, was shot dead by Slager, 33, at about 9.30am on Saturday, after being pulled over for a traffic violation.

The shooting was filmed by a bystander, and the video shows Slager firing his gun eight times while Scott runs away. Slager was arrested on Tuesday and charged with murder after police saw the video.

“I would like for America to know that we want this to stop, and I would like for cops to be accountable,” Scott’s older brother Anthony said on CNN.

Anthony Scott told the local Post and Courier: “We don’t advocate violence. We advocate change.”

Read more here.

— Posted by Alexander Reed Kelly.

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