‘Huckleberry Finn,’ Minus the N-Word
"The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn" is about to get a major makeover in the form of a significant edit to be made in NewSouth Books’ edition of Mark Twain's iconic novel. Specifically, the notorious n-word will be swapped out for "slave," along with one other race-related alteration.“The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn” is about to get a major makeover in the form of a significant edit to be made in NewSouth Books’ edition of Mark Twain’s iconic novel. Specifically, the notorious n-word will be swapped out for “slave,” along with one other race-related alteration. –KA
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The new book will also remove usage of the word Injun. The effort is spearheaded by Twain expert Alan Gribben, who says his PC-ified version is not an attempt to neuter the classic but rather to update it. “Race matters in these books,” Gribben told PW. “It’s a matter of how you express that in the 21st century.”
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