Seriously, people, it’s not like John Q. TSA Worker woke up this morning jonesing to goose you. The union that represents the unfortunate patters-down says its members have been subjected to verbal abuse and even acts of physical violence since the new travel rules took effect.

It’s your privacy. They just work there. — PZS


Airline passengers aren’t the only ones complaining about the Transportation Security Administration’s new enhanced security procedures. Many TSA employees aren’t too happy, either.

The American Federation of Government Employees, the union that represents TSA workers, is urging the TSA to do more to protect its employees from abuse from airline passengers angry over the new security methods. The union reports that some members “have reported instances in which passengers have become angry, belligerent and even physical with TSOs (transportation security officers). In Indianapolis, for example, a TSO was punched by a passenger who didn’t like the new screening process,” the union said in a Nov. 17 statement posted on its website.

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