Study: Zero Child Abuse in Lesbian Households
Someone call Focus on the Family: A newly published set of findings from a long-running study out of UCLA shows a child abuse rate of zero percent in dual-mommy households. A pool of 78 teenage children with lesbian parents was studied.Someone call Focus on the Family: A newly published set of findings from a long-running study out of UCLA shows a child abuse rate of zero percent in dual-mommy households. A pool of 78 teenage children with lesbian parents was studied. –KA
Your support is crucial…The Huffington Post:
The paper found that none of the 78 NLLFS adolescents reports having ever been physically or sexually abused by a parent or other caregiver. This contrasts with 26 percent of American adolescents who report parent or caregiver physical abuse and 8.3 percent who report sexual abuse.
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