Lebanese officials are expected to approve Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s trip to the country’s border with Israel. Once there, Ahmadinejad may, as reported, throw some stones over the fence. Or he may skip the whole thing, if security concerns prevail.

The Guardian:

The US has been leading diplomatic efforts to persuade the Beirut government that Ahmadinejad’s presence in strongholds of the Shia movement Hezbollah in south Lebanon will pose a security risk that could provoke serious violence. But the signs are that the trip will go ahead, diplomats said today.

According to some reports Ahmadinejad will symbolically throw stones across the border fence into Israel, which he regularly attacks as an illegitimate entity, as well as questioning the truth of the Nazi Holocaust. Israel is also concerned by Iran’s nuclear energy programme, which it claims is intended to produce nuclear weapons which would challenge its own undeclared atomic arsenal.

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