Late Night Show Hosts Bid Bill O’Reilly a Not-So-Fond Farewell (Videos)
The Fox News star is officially off the airwaves, but Stephen Colbert, Trevor Noah and others are not, and they have a few parting words for "Papa Bear," as Colbert likes to call O'Reilly.Fox News star Bill O’Reilly is officially off the airwaves, but Stephen Colbert, Trevor Noah and other late night show hosts are not, and they had a few parting words for “Papa Bear,” as Colbert likes to call O’Reilly.
According to Fox News’ statement on the “O’Reilly Factor” host’s dismissal, “By ratings standards, Bill O’Reilly is one of the most accomplished TV personalities in the history of cable news.” “The Late Show” host Colbert agreed, adding, “By moral standards, he was a self-righteous landfill of angry garbage.” Colbert also reprised his former TV persona as host of “The Colbert Report” to say goodbye to the man he owed so much to.
“The Daily Show” host Trevor Noah focused on the many racist remarks O’Reilly made over the course of his career—but there were too many to fit in one comedic segment.
Last week, Seth Meyers weighed in on President Trump’s bizarre defense of O’Reilly’s alleged pattern of sexual harassment, the issue that eventually destroyed the TV personality’s career (though not that of the TV-personality-turned-president, apparently).
And then there’s this short and “sweet” clip by “Funny or Die,” which speaks for itself.
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