About Us

Our name evokes our goal: to dig beneath the headlines. It also reflects our philosophy.

As an independent source for original and provocative reporting and commentary from a progressive point of view, Truthdig offers an outlet for original work and presents possibilities for lasting change. We publish everything from deeply sourced investigations to pointed arts critiques by exceptional journalists, featuring honest and credible reporting that meets the highest standards while focusing on the issues that matter most.

We don’t have to be stuck.

We believe there are always courageous, creative changemakers who can stand up to the status quo, battle inequities and create positive solutions to help us climb out of the deepest holes.

We believe in humanitarian values. When people come together armed with knowledge, they can share ideas that transform both community and policy.

People Behind Truthdig

A fearless crew of excavators mining for the truth, just like you.

Meet Some of the Team
Zuade Kaufman Founder, Publisher & CEO
James Dwyer Publishing Coordinator
Sharon Romeo COO
Alexander Zaitchik Senior Editor
Stephen Robert Miller Deputy Editor
Pablo Ortega Strategy Consultant
Paul Tullis Contributing Editor
Christopher Ketcham Contributing Editor
This website was designed by Soo Kim of SJK Design and developed by The Code Company.
Contributors We recognize that the progressive community isn’t a monolith and we understand that showcasing varied points of view can lead to uncomfortable places. We do not tell our contributors what to write. We are proud to have created a home that gives writers a place to pursue a story wherever it takes them. Jump To ALL A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Aaron Glantz Contributor
Adam Elkus Contributor
Adam H. Johnson
Afrah Nasser
Alan Minsky Contributor
Alex Adams
Alex Kirby
Alexander M. Martin Reviewer
Alexander Reed Kelly Former Associate Editor
Alexandra Crisbășan
Alexis Camins Contributor
Alice Kohli Contributor
Alison Rose Levy
Allen Barra Contributor
Allen McDuffee Contributor
Allen Myers Contributor
Amelia Pang Contributor
Amy Goodman Columnist
Amy Uyematsu Poetry Contributor
Amy Wilentz Reviewer
Awards Truthdig was originally founded in 2005. Since our relaunch in November 2022, the site has won 19 awards from the Los Angeles Press Club, two Headliner awards, an honorable mention in the ‘Best Writing – Editorial 2022’ category from the Webby Awards and was a finalist for the best “Website - Independent Publishers” at the Webby Awards in 2023. Overall, Truthdig has won six Webby Awards, 37 first-place awards from the Los Angeles Press Club, and four awards from the Society of Professional Journalists.
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National Arts & Entertainment Journalism Award: First Place, Visual Arts/Architecture/Literature Feature, Online

Steffie Nelson, "Preparing to Meet Your Maker, Plus Cake: The Life of a Death Cafe  "

National Arts & Entertainment Journalism Award: Second Place, Personality Profile, Film Personalities, Online

Ed Rampell, "​Sixty Years After JFK’s Assassination, Oliver Stone Reflects  "

National Arts & Entertainment Journalism Award: Second Place, Book Critic — Jim Knipfel

National Arts & Entertainment Journalism Award: Second Place, Obituary/In Appreciation, Music and Other Arts Personalities, Print/Online

Jim Knipfel, "Remembering First Amendment Icon Jim Larkin"

National Arts & Entertainment Journalism Award: Third Place,Commentary Analysis/Trend, TV, Online

Carrie Rickey, "Becoming Frida"

National Arts & Entertainment Journalism Award: Third Place, Soft News, Music/Arts Related, Online

Beatrice M. Spadacini, "Italy Turns to Theatre to Address Male Violence Against Women"

EPPY Award: First Place, Best News or Event Feature

Lillian Perlmutter, "At the Border"

EPPY Award: First Place, Best News or Event Feature Video

Michael Nigro, "Fragments of Ukraine"

EPPY Award: First Place, Best Photojournalism on a Website – Beatrice M. Spadacini and Stefano Schirato

Beatrice M. Spadacini, "The Moms Vs. The Multinational"

EPPY Award: First Place, Best Home Page Design – Soo Kim and James Dwyer

EPPY Award: Best Promotional/Marketing Campaign – Sharon Romeo, creative director; Pablo Ortega, marketing manager and Myke Allen and Andrew Clippingdale, animation

Staff, "A Truthdig Carol"

Southern California Journalism Award: First Place, Blog Group – Tana Ganeva, Alexander Zaitchik, Christopher Ketcham, “Ear to the Ground”

Southern California Journalism Award: First Place, Multimedia Package

Michael Nigro, "Fragments of Ukraine"

Southern California Journalism Award: First Place, Animation/Moving Graphic


Andrew Dodd Clippingdale, Mychal Allen – Truthdig | “A Truthdig Carol”

Southern California Journalism Award: Second Place, Website, News Organization Exclusive to the Internet

Southern California Journalism Award: Second Place, Columnist – Erin Aubry Kaplan

Southern California Journalism Award: Second Place, Hard News Feature, General News

Jared Olson, "The Deadly Battle Over Land and Water in Honduras"

Southern California Journalism Award: Second Place, Activism Journalism

Erin Aubry Kaplan, "A Decade of Black Lives Matter"

Southern California Journalism Award: Second Place, Photo Essay (single topic), News/News Feature

Michael Nigro, "Two Ukrainian Families: One Fled, One Stayed"

Southern California Journalism Award: Second Place, Feature

Marc Cooper, "Chile’s Utopia Has Been Postponed"

Headliner Award: Third Place, Online Investigative Reporting for Digital-Only Website

Justin Nobel, "Inside West Virginia’s Chernobyl"

Headliner Award: Second Place, News Video 10 to 30 Minutes

Michael Nigro, "No One Knows What To Expect in a War Zone"

Webby Awards: Finalist, Independent Publishers – Website, Mobile Sites and Email Newsletters.

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