Armitage on Torture, ‘AWOL’ Congress
Now that the Department of Justice has released the latest stunning Bush-era torture memos, this Al-Jazeera English interview with former Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage, in which he admits that the Bush administration flouted the Geneva Conventions and that he probably should have resigned, is even more alarming.Now that the Department of Justice has released the latest stunning Bush-era torture memos, this Al-Jazeera English interview with former Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage, in which he admits that the Bush administration flouted the Geneva Conventions and that he probably should have resigned, is even more alarming.
A candid, if brusque, Armitage faces off with Al-Jazeera’s Avi Lewis in this clip from “Fault Lines,” deflecting some of the criticism of President Bush and those in his closest circles onto legislators in Congress who were, as he puts it, “AWOL” when they should have been keeping closer tabs on the goings-on in the White House.
Al Jazeera’s “Fault Lines” via YouTube:
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