Bin Laden Feeling the Heat
He's no Al Gore, but terror plotter Osama bin Laden is sounding a call for action on global warming. In a new audiotape, the head of al-Qaida also scolds Pakistan for what he sees as the inadequacy of its relief efforts in the wake of recent catastrophic floods.He’s no Al Gore, but terror plotter Osama bin Laden is sounding a call for action on global warming. In a new audiotape, the head of al-Qaida also scolds Pakistan for what he sees as the inadequacy of its relief efforts in the wake of recent catastrophic floods. –JCL
Your support is crucial…The Guardian:
Osama bin Laden yesterday criticised relief efforts in Pakistan and called for action against climate change in what appeared to be a new audio tape from the al-Qaida leader.
The audio message lasted about 11 minutes, and was broadcast with a video showing still images of Bin Laden and images of natural disasters, the Islamist website used by al-Qaida said.
The authenticity of the tape and its precise release date could not be immediately confirmed. In it, however, Bin Laden congratulates Muslims on the holy month of Ramadan, which started on 11 August 11 and ended 9 September.
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