The San Francisco Chronicle’s Andrew S. Ross rounds up some first-hand accounts of last week’s White House luncheon, at which President Bush and a gaggle of conservative guests discussed the lessons of history, the Iraq war and the Almighty. According to one attendee, the president said he has an edge over Winston Churchill, as his British political predecessor was an agnostic while Bush “has God.”

“It was an intimate affair,” one of the attendees wrote. “The historian Andrew Roberts and I had to squeeze our chairs together to allow the vice president, Dick Cheney, to pull his up to the table.”

The occasion was a book club-cum-luncheon last week at the White House thrown by President Bush, with conservative intellectuals, including Gertrude Himmelfarb, Norman Podhoretz and Michael Novak, among others, in attendance, and the guest of honor, Roberts, the author most recently of “A History of the English-Speaking Peoples.”

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