File under “sour grapes,” perchance? CNBC’s highly animated “Mad Money” pundit Jim Cramer is attempting to do some damage control after being thoroughly owned by Jon Stewart on “The Daily Show” a month ago. Cramer grumps about the episode to … Ohio State University’s student publication, The Lantern. Let ’er rip, Jim!

The Lantern via Gawker:

“It was a complete and utter ambush,” Cramer said in an interview with The Lantern. “He told my staff that it was going to be fun, convivial, no clips, but [it] doesn’t matter, he’s a comedian, he can do whatever he wants.”


“Was it a fair fight? No, it wasn’t even a fight. I came on with the idea of taking a high road approach and discussing the issues, obviously [Stewart] came on strictly to try to humiliate me,” Cramer said. “It was brutal. Was he stand-up? Absolutely not. Did he comport himself as a gentleman? Hardly. It was a deposition; he wants to be a prosecutor.”

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