Expert: Trees Could Grow in Antarctica Within Century
Due to global warming, the icy continent could revert to how it looked 40 million years ago--with bushes and trees, an environmental expert told an international scientific conference.Due to global warming, the icy continent could revert to how it looked 40 million years ago–with bushes and trees, an environmental expert told an international scientific conference.
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Trees could be growing in the Antarctic within a century because of global warming, an international scientific conference heard.
With carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere set to double in the next 100 years, the icy continent could revert to how it looked about 40 million years ago, said Professor Robert Dunbar of Stanford University.
“It was warm and there were bushes and there were trees,” he told some 850 delegates in the Tasmanian capital Hobart, the national AAP news agency reported.
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