You there, with the surreptitious driving-while-texting action and also you, with the hands-free gadgetry on your head — take heed. The National Transportation Safety Board, an independent agency that traffics in such matters, wants you both to hang it up.

The federal board issued a recommendation Tuesday to ban all cellphone use by drivers, including the kind that does allow for relatively unhindered vehicular maneuvering, but it’s up to individual states to decide if they’re on board with that plan.

The New York Times:

The National Transportation Safety Board said on Tuesday that it had voted to recommend the ban on the use of mobile devices by drivers, citing what it said were the risks of distracted driving.

The recommended ban applies to hands-free devices, a recommendation that goes farther than any state law to date. The agency said it is recommending that drivers be allowed to use their phones for emergency purposes.

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