France’s leading students union estimates that some 40,000 students have taken up prostitution to fund their studies. French police are disputing the report, saying prostitutes are posing as students. (Via BloggerNews)

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  • Independent (UK) via Blogger News:

    A number of young women in France have taken up prostitution to fund their studies, according to a shocking report by the country’s leading students union, SUD-Etudiant Union. This students union estimates that nearly 40,000 students in France, fund their studies through sex jobs like freelancing for escort agencies, webcam striptease, hostess work and pavement prostitution. A survey carried out by the members of this union at Paul Sabatier University in Toulouse, found that 1.8% of the students surveyed, had worked in the sex industry at some point of time. The union blames the falling subsidies and rising consumerism, for the emergence of the recent ‘sex trends’ among the students.


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