Iyad Allawi, whose Iraqiya Party won the most seats in Iraq’s recent election, says sectarian violence could overtake Iraq, the region and even “the world at large” if the opposition continues to try to undermine his victory and establish a Shiite-dominated parliament.

The Guardian:

“This conflict will not remain within the borders of Iraq,” he said. “It will spill over and it has the potential to reach the world at large, not just neighbouring countries. Now Iraq is at centre stage in the region. But it is boiling with problems, it is stagnant and it can go either way.

“I feel that we are not done and that the international community has failed this country.”

Allawi’s warning came on the most deadly day of violence in Iraq this year, with more than 99 people killed and at least 300 wounded in a spate of shootings and explosions.

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