Mitt’s New Message, Obama’s ‘Biggest Failure,’ and More
A look at the day's political happenings, including why women in New Mexico may soon have to prove they were "forcibly raped" to get welfare and one of Jon Stewart's most epic takedowns of Fox News.Obama’s Regret
: What does President Obama believe is his biggest failure during his first term in the Oval Office? Immigration reform. That’s by his own admission during a Univision event in Miami on Thursday. “My biggest failure is that we haven’t gotten comprehensive immigration reform done,” he said, adding, “but it’s not for lacking of trying or desire.” (Read more)
Romney Changes Course: Let’s face it. At this point, there’s very little Mitt Romney can do to win the election other than hope for a big slip-up from President Obama. Regardless, Romney appears to be shifting tactics again just days after his campaign announced its candidate would alter his strategy. The new message emerging from the campaign: Romney will change Washington, D.C., from the inside. That’s the exact opposite position of what he took when he campaigned against John McCain in 2007. (Read more )
He Who Must Not Be Named: Sen. Scott Brown, R-Mass., could not be coaxed to say Mitt Romney’s name during a debate Thursday night with Democratic challenger Elizabeth Warren. However, Brown — who is locked in a tough battle with Warren to retain his Senate seat — did offer praise for Hillary Clinton. “I think Secretary Clinton is doing a great job,” Brown said. “I’ve told her that and I think she’s really a bright star in that administration. And I appreciate all of her hard work, especially with what’s been happening in Libya and throughout that region. She’s a tireless worker.” (Read more)
Another Rape Debate? Republicans are continuing their efforts to redefine rape and effectively limit in scope what constitutes sexual assault. In New Mexico, for example, Gov. Susana Martinez supports legislation that would require women to prove they were “forcibly raped” in order to obtain financial assistance for children that were conceived because of rape. In essence, the GOP is working to ensure that some rapes are considered more or less “legitimate” than others. As Jezebel noted, “Time to woefully set the giant “DAYS SINCE SOMEONE IN THE GOVERNMENT SAID SOMETHING ASININE ABOUT RAPE” sign back to 0.” (Read more )
Video of the Day: “The Daily Show” offered one of its best critiques yet of Fox News (aka “Romney campaign headquarters”) in host Jon Stewart’s scathing look at the conservative cable news channel’s coverage of Mitt Romney’s “47 percent” remark. It’s today’s must-watch:
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