No Senate Run for Matthews
The U.S. Senate is safe from "Hardball" host Chris Matthews -- at least for now. Matthews will stay put on the media-specific side of the political arena instead of making a bid for a Senate seat in his home state of Pennsylvania, as suggested by the recent scuttlebutt about him.The U.S. Senate is safe from “Hardball” host Chris Matthews — at least for now. Matthews will stay put on the media-specific side of the political arena instead of making a bid for a Senate seat in his home state of Pennsylvania, as suggested by the recent scuttlebutt about him.
Your support is crucial…Los Angeles Times:
In a routine production meeting before his daily show, “Hardball,” Matthews informed the staff that he was not going to pursue the seat, said network spokesman Jeremy Gaines. The cable host, who is negotiating a new contract at MSNBC, declined to comment.
For the last several months, Matthews toyed with the notion of taking on Republican Sen. Arlen Specter. He even went so far as to talk to state Democratic power brokers about what it would take to challenge Specter, a five-term senator.
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