North Korea Threatens Another Explosion
North Korea's No. 2 leader, Kim Yong-nam, threatened a second nuclear test if the U.S. refuses to back down: "If the United States continues to take a hostile attitude and apply pressure on us in various forms, we will have no choice but to take physical steps to deal with that."North Korea’s No. 2 leader, Kim Yong-nam, threatened a second nuclear test if the U.S. refuses to back down: “If the United States continues to take a hostile attitude and apply pressure on us in various forms, we will have no choice but to take physical steps to deal with that.”
Your support is crucial…North Korea’s foreign ministry said the country would consider any increase in US pressure to be an “act of war”.
France’s defence minister said North Korea’s claimed nuclear test, on Monday, may have failed or was a fake.
Mr Kim said, in an interview with Kyodo, that “the issue of future nuclear tests is linked to US policy toward our country”.
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