Narratives about Trump supporters leave out important data; and Myanmar’s Aung San Suu Kyi is under pressure to condemn the Rohingya massacre. These discoveries and more, below. 

The Unholy Alliance of Trump Voters It wasn’t a homogeneous block—whether the white working-class or anti-immigrant nativists or the victims of globalization—that put Donald Trump into the White House.

China Steps Up Crackdown On Liberal Universities Despite its ambitions to create world class academic institutions, China has stepped up efforts to purge its universities of liberal ideas, reversing a general long-term trend towards more academic freedoms.

Searching for Mao in Xi Jinping’s China Friday marked the forty-first anniversary of Mao’s death. Is there still room for his politics in contemporary China? A close look at Xi Jinping’s regime offers an answer.

Beautiful Joshua Tree Home Looks Like a Supervillain’s Lair It’s perfect for the fashionable Bond villain.

Max Baucus, the Guy Who Killed Obamacare’s Public Option, Now Supports Single-Payer If the name “Max Baucus” rings a bell to you and you’re not a political junkie or Montana resident, it’s probably because he is the gentleman who, as the powerful chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, was responsible for making sure the Affordable Care Act did not include a “public option.”

Rush Limbaugh Argues Hurricane Forecasts Are Liberal Conspiracies, Is Also Evacuating Because of Hurricane Forecast This Tuesday, right-wing radio dumbass Rush Limbaugh engaged in an extended hurricane-related rant that has largely been described in the press as an argument that liberal scientists and media figures overhype and manipulate hurricane forecasts in order to advance their global warming agenda.

Desmond Tutu Condemns Aung San Suu Kyi: ‘Silence Is Too High a Price’ The nobel laureate has issued a heartfelt letter to his fellow peace prize winner calling for her to speak up for Rohingya in Myanmar.

The Music of Time: The Sound of Silence How and why did concert-going change from a raucous, noisy affair to one of hushed appreciation?

Art Provocateurs Hang ‘Ku Klux Klowns’ in Virginia’s Capital The anonymous art collective Indecline hung eight clowns dressed in KKK robes from a tree in Richmond, Virginia.

France Plans to Ban Fossil Fuel Production France (including overseas territories) is positioning itself to become the first country to ban all exploration permits and renewals for unconventional fuels as well as banning the conversion of exploration permits into production permits.

Cuba Is a World Leader in Hurricane Preparedness and Recovery What can we learn from the small island nation?

Communal Living in Southern California From a hippie cooperative to a monastic paradise, the experimental communes that were built in and around LA.

The Cult of Aung San Suu Kyi Is Making the World Slow to Respond to Myanmar’s Latest Atrocity The events of recent years may have made Western governments reluctant to criticize Myanmar, and in particular its dynamic leader, Aung San Suu Kyi.

The Non-Religious States of America New survey data indicates that religiously unaffiliated people in the U.S. are diverse—and in many places, they make up a greater share of the population than any faith group.

Social Democracy Is Good. But Not Good Enough. We need a socialism that goes beyond capitalism. And not just for moral reasons.

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