Pakistan Floods Kill 1,000
Floods in northwest Pakistan have taken the lives of more than 1,000 people, officials say. About 30,000 Pakistani troops have joined the rescue and relief effort as monsoon rains threaten to cause additional flooding.Floods in northwest Pakistan have taken the lives of more than 1,000 people, officials say. About 30,000 Pakistani troops have joined the rescue and relief effort as monsoon rains threaten to cause additional flooding. –JCL
Your support is crucial…The BBC:
The number of people known to have been killed by floods in north-west Pakistan has passed 1,000, officials say.
About 30,000 troops have joined the relief effort, with large parts of the north-west submerged by the worst monsoon rains in memory.
There are also fears that with more rain forecast for the next 24 hours, some areas face further threats.
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