A retired Texas schoolteacher pays off a larger-than-usual chunk of his credit card bill–and the payment gets frozen as Homeland Security investigates. “It’s scary how easily someone in Homeland Security can get permission to spy,” says the teacher.

Providence Journal via jfrancislehman:

PROVIDENCE, R.I. — Walter Soehnge is a retired Texas schoolteacher who traveled north with his wife, Deana, saw summer change to fall in Rhode Island and decided this was a place to stay for a while.

So the Soehnges live in Scituate now and Walter sometimes has breakfast at the Gentleman Farmer in Scituate Village, where he has passed the test and become a regular despite an accent that is definitely not local.

And it was there, at his usual table last week, that he told me that he was “madder than a panther with kerosene on his tail.”

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