Molly Ivins was a popular humorist, liberal columnist and a Texan, and she knew Texas governor and now GOP presidential candidate Rick Perry well. As an antidote to Perry’s “Obama-bashing, evangelical-courting, tea party-outdoing campaign for the presidency,” which began last Saturday, Mother Jones has collected some of her most cutting gibes, taunts and sneers at the politician she nicknamed “The Coiffure” and “Governor Goodhair.” –ARK

Mother Jones:

When the next gubernatorial election cycle came around in Texas, Ivins had even more to say and write about Perry’s inadequacies. In her crosshairs this time: the faux-swagger that characterized his debating style:

The Coiffure was in his usual form. As one opponent after another attacked his record, Gov. Rick Perry stood there proudly behind that 35 percent voter support he has so richly earned and simply disagreed. The Coiffure seemed to consider blanket denials a fully sufficient and adequate response.

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