Despite recent polling showing red states turning blue, true color-blending will require “electoral reform that changes the way votes are counted, districts are proportioned and views are represented,” argues the editor of The Nation.

The Nation:

In the Washington Post Monday, pollster Richard Morin writes about how George Bush’s plummeting poll numbers have rendered the red-blue political map close-to-obsolete.

“States that were once reliably red are turning pink,” Morin points out. “Some are no longer red but a sort of powder blue.” The Washington Post’s polling director goes on to note that “In fact, a solid majority of residents in states that president Bush carried in 2004 now disapprove of the job he is doing…[and] views of the GOP have also soured in those Republican red states.”

Residents of states Bush carried in 2004 now trust Democrats over Republicans to deal with our nation’s biggest problems–48 to 42 percent. And in the 2004 blue states, George Bush’s approval rating has declined even further from 45 to 33 percent.


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