Two young Indian women have made a captivating video attacking sexual violence and misogyny in their country.

The video (below), “#RapAgainstRape,” was posted Monday and has already notched up almost 100,000 views. Under the moniker BomBaebs, Pankhuri Awasthi and Uppekha Jain open the video with a disclaimer, warning that “This video doesn’t have any explicit or bannable content. It is just that the reality for women in India is Explicit.”

The BomBaebs’ popularity comes amid a spate of rape-related incidents in India, including reports that an elderly nun had been gang-raped, as well as an outcry over the Indian government’s attempt to block the broadcast of the documentary “India’s Daughter” (read our Truthdigger of the Week report about “India’s Daughter” here).

The #RapAgainstRape lyrics, written by both girls, begin:

We’re now known as the land of rapes. But did you ever wonder how this took shape? Don’t shy away now, you’re a part of this culture. Of lawyers who will kill, And politicians who ban our will, And all the other blood-sucking vultures.

The duo go on to say of their home country, “We’re a land of ironies and of rampant misogyny.”

And, several times, they point out what they call the hypocrisy of life for women in their culture, as in: “When a girl who’s been raped/ Has to hide her face/ And then that same society/ Makes a porn star their celebrity.”

They conclude with this powerful call to action:

Gone are the times we stayed abused and broken, And behind closed doors we cried. It’s about time to change the tide, And for you to get on our side. Help us bring in a new day — for you, for me, for us. Let’s carve a new way.

Watch the video in full below:

–Posted by Roisin Davis

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