War’s Biggest Earners
On the heels of a report on the world's 100 leading arms manufacturers comes a detailed look at the Top 10, which made a combined $230 billion off war and other conflict in 2010.On the heels of a report on the world’s 100 leading arms manufacturers comes a detailed look at the Top 10, which made a combined $230 billion off war and other conflict in 2010.
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Global sales of arms and military services by the 100 largest defense contractors increased in 2010 to $411.1 billion, according to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute. The increase reflects a decade-long trend of growing military spending. Since 2002, total arms sales among the 100 largest arms manufacturers have increased 60%.
The institute recently published its annual report on the leading arms producing companies in the world — SIPRI Top 100. The report identifies the largest companies in the sector and provides each company’s arms sales as a percentage of its total sales
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