‘We Are Legion’: Hacktivists on Film
Whatever else might be said about groups like Anonymous and LulzSec -- and the MSM says plenty without saying much -- they don't play Assuming the position of the rogue hacktivist, their members take on big targets in business, government (more) .Whatever else might be said about groups like Anonymous and LulzSec — and the MSM says plenty without saying much — they don’t play. Assuming the position of the rogue hacktivist, their members take on big targets in business, government and even the Church of Scientology in an effort to hobble and expose them at the same time.
Here’s a glimpse of a new documentary that traces their origins and charts their missions, both online and in the analog world, and gets behind those Guy Fawkes masks. Presenting “We Are Legion: The Story of the Hacktivists.”
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