In this week?s collection of our favorite videos: Bush talks nonsense; a mayor courageously speaks out against the war; Pat Buchanan longs for the white America he grew up in; Stewart and Colbert address the idol-worshipers of television; and Keith Olbermann gives Rumsfeld a Murrow-style smackdown.

No. 1Bush Talks Nonsense With Brian Williams

Watch with amazement as our commander in chief mangles the English language, and speaks nonsensically about the war in Iraq, America?s standing in the world, his relationship with his father, and Albert Camus. (Via crooksandliars)

Part 1:

Part 2:

No. 2Mayor?s Home Run for Truth: Antiwar Rally in Salt Lake City

In recognition of Bush’s visit to the Utah capital, Mayor Rocky Anderson gave a speech to a crowd of thousands, calling Bush a “dishonest, war-mongering, human-rights-violating president” whose time in office would “rank as the worst presidency our nation has ever had to endure.” Thank you, Salt Lake City! Full transcript here (pdf).

Watch it:

No. 3Buchanan Misses White America

While out pimping his book, Pat Buchanan made an appearance on Fox News on Wednesday, where he exposed himself with a statement as racist as it was whiny: ?I?d like the country I grew up in. It was a good country. I lived in Washington, D.C., 400,000 black folks, 400,000 white folks, in a country 89 or 90 percent white. I like that country.?

Pat Buchanan

Video & Transcript

No. 4At the Emmys, Stewart and Colbert Take On Hollywood

As presenters during the annual television Emmy awards, Jon Stewart played straight man to Stephen Colbert as he railed against the ?godless sodomites? in the audience.

Watch it:

No. 5Olbermann Puts Rumsfeld to Shame

Keith Olbermann delivered a masterful retort on Wednesday to Donald Rumsfeld’s recent diatribe on fascism. With a commentary as apt as it was eloquent, Olbermann excoriated the defense secretary’s very patriotism: “In what country was Mr. Rumsfeld raised? As a child, of whose heroism did he read? On what side of the battle for freedom did he dream one day to fight? With what country has he confused ? the United States of America?”

Keith Olbermann on MSNBC

Video & Transcript

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