Zimbabwe’s PM Injured, Wife Killed in Car Crash
Zimbabwe's Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai, after enduring a great deal of hardship on the long road to his current position of sharing power with President Robert Mugabe, was injured and his wife of 31 years was killed in a car accident that occurred Friday when they were on their way to their home outside Harare.Zimbabwe’s Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai, after enduring a great deal of hardship on the long road to his current position of sharing power with President Robert Mugabe, was injured and his wife of 31 years was killed in a car accident that occurred Friday when they were on their way to their home outside Harare.
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Morgan Tsvangirai, 56, was sworn in last month as prime minister of a unity government in the troubled southern African nation after years in opposition to the regime of President Robert Mugabe. Tsvangirai and his wife, Susan, were en route to their rural home in the eastern district of Buhera, where a rally was planned for Saturday, when the crash occurred.
Information about how the accident happened and the nature of the prime minister’s injuries was sketchy, but a party aide said Tsvangirai’s life was not at risk.
Party officials at the hospital in Harare, the capital, confirmed the death of Susan Tsvangirai unofficially but said the family and doctors would release a formal statement later.
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