Book Excerpts

How Bad Things Are

May 14, 2012
In March 2009 Ben Bernanke, normally neither the most cheerful nor the most poetic of men, waxed optimistic about the economic prospect. After the fall of Lehman Brothers six months earlier, America had entered a terrifying economic nosedive. But appearing on the TV show "60 Minutes," the Fed chairman declared that spring was at hand.In March 2009 Ben Bernanke waxed optimistic about the economic prospect. Appearing on the TV show "60 Minutes," the Fed chairman declared that spring was at hand.
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Can I Help You?

Jan 4, 2012
In this excerpt from Lauren B. Davis' new novel, “Our Daily Bread,” an elderly woman encounters two troubled boys and the question of whether we ever do enough to help others.

The Myth of the ’60s

Nov 17, 2011
Edward P. Morgan, in this excerpt from “What Really Happened to the 1960s: How Mass Media Culture Failed American Democracy,” maintains that “the mass media’s ‘’60s’ discourse is chiefly one of ghosts, accusations, and smoke and mirrors that has long played on audience emotions and diverted public attention to what is essentially a symbolic form of spectator politics.”