
Chalmers Johnson on the Cost of Empire
May 15, 2009 Author, scholar and Truthdig contributor Chalmers Johnson passed away Nov. 20. In his honor, we are reposting this 2009 book review, which, like much of Johnson's work, remains relevant to this day.
The Bailout vs. the Defense Budget
Sep 29, 2008 There has been much moaning, air-sucking and outrage about the U.S. government's $700-billion bailout deal, but in fact we dole out similar amounts of money every year in the form of payoffs to the armed services, the military-industrial complex, and powerful senators and representatives allied with the Pentagon.
The Military-Industrial Complex: It’s Much Later Than You Think
Jul 28, 2008 Since 1961, there has been too little serious study of, or discussion of, the origins of the military-industrial complex, how it has changed over time, how governmental secrecy has hidden it from oversight by members of Congress or attentive citizens, and how it degrades our constitutional structure of checks and balances.
Chalmers Johnson on Our ‘Managed Democracy’
May 16, 2008 Sheldon Wolin's new book offers a controversial but ultimately convincing diagnosis of how America's democracy has succumbed to an unacknowledged totalitarian temptation.
Chalmers Johnson on the Myth of Free Trade
Jan 25, 2008 A powerful new book by a young South Korean-born economist at Cambridge University provides a compelling critique of the contradictions and hypocrisies of globalization and neoliberalism. The perfect antidote to the nostrums of Thomas Friedman.