
Ellsberg, Daniel
Jul 18, 2017
Daniel Ellsberg Urges People in Swing States to Vote for Obama
Oct 18, 2012 The famed whistle-blower has been a sharp critic of the president, but he says a Romney/Ryan administration would be "catastrophically worse."
The Missile Crisis That Never Went Away
Oct 16, 2012 Fifty years after the 1962 Cuban missile crisis, and more than 20 years after the end of the Cold War, the US and Russian nuclear confrontation continues Each nation still keeps a total of about 800 ICBMs at launch-ready status, ready to be fired on a few minutes' warningWith approximately 1,700 nukes at launch-ready status 50 years after the Cuban missile crisis, it is naive to assume that Russia and the U will never again be in a military confrontation.
A Memory of Howard
Jan 28, 2010 My friend Howard Zinn was, in my opinion, the best human being I've ever known. The best example of what a human can be, and can do with his life.
A Hundred Holocausts: An Insider’s Window Into U.S. Nuclear Policy
Sep 10, 2009 The document in his hand was almost unthinkable: It projected roughly 600 million deaths in a US-Soviet war Here’s the first installment of a memoir of the nuclear era by Daniel Ellsberg, the man who revealed the Pentagon PapersThe document in Daniel Ellsberg’s hand projected roughly 600 million deaths in a U.