
How Not to Help Africans
Nov 27, 2007 The French charity group L'Arche de Zoé (Zoë's Ark) took 103 Chadian children from their homes with promises of sweets and a trip to the city of Abeche. But the group actually planned to fly the children to France on a 220-seater plane from Abeche airport in Eastern Chad, passing them off as "Sudanese orphans from Darfur" who needed urgent medical care and foster homes. The fiasco sheds new light on the activities of Western "angels of mercy" in Africa.
Nigeria: New Government or Puppet Succession?
Jun 7, 2007 In some ways, the ascension of Nigeria's new President Umaru Yar'Adua to his country's top post can be seen in a hopeful light, however his ties to his predecessor may make him more of a representative for the old guard than a fresh new face in Nigerian politics.
Between Wrongdoing and ‘the Done Thing’
Apr 20, 2007 On April 21, Nigerians held elections to replace outgoing President Olusegun Obasanjo, who staged a battle (outwardly, at least) against corruption in Africa's most populated country during his tenure in office. Nigerian journalist Gbemisola Olujobi explains how outsiders' ideas about the issue of corruption in Africa can be limited by their differing cultural perspectives.
Don’t Touch That Mail!
Jan 26, 2007 A native Nigerian writer takes stock of the changing face of her country's most prominent economic export after oil: e-mail scams.
The Africa You Need to Know
Nov 29, 2006 The Western media love to portray Africa as a backward, famine-plagued caricature, but the world's second most populous continent has more to offer than tragedy.