
Conason, Joe
Jul 18, 2017
Country First: Why John McCain Must Dump Trump
Aug 10, 2016 The Arizona senator remains among the craven Republican officials who have endorsed Donald Trump for president, even though they know he is unfit to fill that office—and especially the role of commander in chief.
On Israel, Bernie Sanders Is Right (and Hillary Clinton Knows It)
Apr 16, 2016 Pressed for a serious answer to Israel's excessive use of force against the Palestinians in Gaza, Clinton pandered to the most conservative voters, Jewish and Christian, who mistakenly believe friendship with Israel means supporting any violence perpetrated by its government.
How Donald Trump and Ted Cruz Help Terrorists Achieve Their Aims
Mar 28, 2016 Recoiling from last week's carnage in Brussels, Americans may be attracted to the "tough" posturing of Trump and Cruz. Yet we know that the leaders of Islamic State welcome such signs of panic.
Citizens United Anniversary: How Anthony Kennedy Turned American Democracy Into an ‘Open Sewer’
Jan 23, 2016 The Supreme Court justice masterminded the 2010 decision to undo a century of public-interest regulation of campaign expenditures in the name of "free speech." He had every reason to know how damaging that decision would prove to be.
New York Values: What Tiny Ted Cruz Will Never Get About the Big Town
Jan 16, 2016 Demagogues denigrating New York come and go with boring predictability -- and the nation's greatest city will continue to thrive long after the Texas senator is merely an unpleasant memory.
Will Corporate America Confront GOP Climate Denial?
Dec 5, 2015 Republican congressional leaders in both houses know they can continue to lie and deny on climate, so long as the nation's business leaders fail to demand change. Although they will always collect millions from ExxonMobil, the Koch brothers and assorted fossil fuel profiteers, they might begin to worry if other economic interests that have traditionally supported them suddenly turned off the money and turned on the pressure.
What Socialism Means to Bernie Sanders — and You
Nov 7, 2015 Once upon a time, socialists running for president in the United States had to explain that while they had no chance of actually winning an election, their campaigns were aimed at "educating" voters -- about socialism.
GOP Debate Mendacity Shocks Even the Conservatives
Oct 31, 2015 For people who so often accuse Hillary Clinton of lying, the Republican presidential candidates seem to feel perfectly free to bend, twist and shred the truth at will. Unsurprisingly, that is just what several of them were caught doing in their free-for-all CNBC debate.
While the Republicans Snarled, Hillary Clinton Smiled
Oct 23, 2015 To watch Clinton's Republican antagonists during Thursday's public hearing of the House Select Committee on Benghazi was to wonder how they could possibly behave the way they did. Often, the sheer mindlessness was stunning.