
Whistleblower John Kiriakou Critiques the CIA’s Behavior Following the 2016 Election
Dec 17, 2016 On this week’s “Informed Rant,” Joshua Scheer speaks with the CIA veteran about the U.S. intelligence establishment and its claims that hackers interfered with the election at the behest of the Russian government.
The EPA’s New Boss, ‘White Flight’ in Higher Education and Bernie Sanders’ ‘Identity Politics’
Dec 9, 2016 In this week's episode of "Informed Rant," host Josh Scheer speaks with Greg Dotson, vice president of energy policy at the Center for American Progress, about Donald Trump’s proposed pick to head the Environmental Protection Agency. Scheer also sits down with research professor Anthony Carnevale and writer Katie Halper.
‘Informed Rant’: Toxic ‘Burn Pits’ Poisoned American Veterans
Nov 12, 2016 As we honor our veterans this Friday, listen to this episode of Joshua Scheer's podcast, in which he speaks with author and former Marine Joseph Hickman.‘Informed Rant’: The Violence of Borders, Racist Mascots and The Real News
Nov 4, 2016 In this week’s episode of Joshua Scheer's podcast, Scheer speaks with Reece Jones, associate professor of geography at the University of Hawaii, Manoa, about Jones’ book, “Violent Borders: Refugees and the Right to Move."
Annie Nelson on the ‘Fuel That Doesn’t Kill Us’
Jan 29, 2007 Annie Nelson, wife of Willie Nelson and co-chairperson of the Sustainable Biodiesel Alliance, speaks to Truthdig about stomaching the State of the Union and the myth that alternative fuels are years away.
Ron Kovic: Surging Past the Tipping Point
Jan 9, 2007 In a Truthdig interview, the author of "Born on the Fourth of July" argues that Americans this week have a patriotic and generation-defining duty to speak out against Bush's proposal to escalate the war in Iraq with more U.S. troops. "If you love this country, you're going to step over that line that you've not stepped over before. You're going to find the courage to do that."
Sheinbaum: Carter’s ‘Apartheid’ Mistake
Dec 23, 2006 Internationally renowned diplomat, peace activist and scholar Stanley Sheinbaum (above) discusses Jimmy Carter's controversial new book, "Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid."
The Charge of the Muny Light Brigade
Dec 15, 2006 Twenty-eight years ago today, 31-year-old Dennis Kucinich, then the youngest-ever mayor of a major American city, famously pushed Cleveland into economic default rather than capitulate to the demands of a group of bankers eager to gobble up the city's power plant. Today, as Kucinich kicks off his White House bid, he speaks to Truthdig about a stand of integrity that nearly cost him his political career, but which has striking relevance in the current political landscape -- where such integrity seems in short supply.
Rep. Kucinich: Why I’m Running for President
Dec 13, 2006 The six-term Ohio congressman and 2004 presidential candidate, who has been one of Congress' most vocal and longstanding opponents of the Iraq war, tells Truthdig why he again has his sights set on the Oval Office<!--: "This is a call of conscience to stand up and speak out about what's going on Someone has to rally the American people, to let them know that the money is there right now to bring our troops home"-->.
Kleptocracy, Theocracy (and Democracy) in the Middle East
Dec 9, 2006 Investigative reporter Reese Erlich, just back from a tour of the Middle East, tells Truthdig that the U.S. efforts to promote democracy in that part of the world are beset by religious fundamentalists on one side and unabashed kleptocrats on the other.