
Joyful Noises and Joyless Measures in New Orleans
Jul 3, 2010 David Simon's HBO series "Treme" picks up on a theme that courses through the show: the longstanding tension between the city's culture bearers and its powers that be. That tension has ratcheted up, or at least has grown more pointed, since 2005.In post-Katrina New Orleans, tensions between the city's culture bearers and its powers that be has ratcheted up since 2005.
Larry Blumenfeld on Ned Sublette’s ‘The Year Before the Flood’
Feb 5, 2010 Four years after Katrina, New Orleans struggles against the odds to preserve its unruly spirit through its unique musical legacy.
Larry Blumenfeld on New Orleans After Katrina
Jul 24, 2009 Why are New Orleanians -- along with people from all over the world who continue to flock there -- so devoted to a place that was, even before the storm, the most corrupt, impoverished and violent corner of America? "Nine Lives" by Dan Baum helps provide an answer.Why are New Orleanians so devoted to one of the most corrupt, impoverished and violent corners of America?
Yes We Can Can
Aug 30, 2008 New Orleans has figured into this election season as a reminder of the Bush administration's bungled, uncaring response to Katrina. Yet amid so much talk of hope and change, on this anniversary of disaster, many in New Orleans hope for a change of policy -- the kind of federal assistance that can make a dent in crises of housing, public safety, education, health care and levee protection. It makes sense for musicians to kick-start that conversation.
Jazz Fest ’08: Homecoming on Muddy Ground
May 27, 2008 It's easy in New Orleans these days to read meaning and purpose into every lyric or song choice -- was Sheryl Crow commenting on the housing crisis by covering "Gimme Shelter," or was she just doing a Stones tune? Also, it's impossible to take in all the music and all the messages emanating from the Jazz Fest's 10 stages. Still, a good deal of what I did catch was timely, topical and worth remembering.