
Digging a Hole
Mar 5, 2020
Joe Blow
Mar 3, 2020
American Democracy
Feb 26, 2020
Some Threat
Feb 25, 2020
Upon Reflection
Feb 21, 2020
United We Stan
Feb 19, 2020
The New Rules of the Game
Feb 17, 2020
Meg vs. Socialism
Feb 14, 2020
The Party’s Over
Feb 12, 2020
What Is Happening to Assange Will Happen to the Rest of Us
Feb 10, 2020
Up in Smoke
Feb 4, 2020
Class: The Little Word the Elites Want You to Forget
Mar 2, 2020 Our oligarchic rulers are determined to ban all discussion of class warfare, which is why they are trying to block the nomination of Sanders.
A Circus Then, a Circus Now
Jan 20, 2020 The presidential campaign is, by some measures, in its second year. Here's what Chris Hedges had to say about the contest in January 2019.
Time to Rebel
Oct 7, 2019 Extinction Rebellion plans to “get in the room” with the elite and effect change on the climate crisis through well-planned street actions.
The Problem With Impeachment
Sep 26, 2019 Impeaching this corrupt president would do nothing to remove the rot deep within the American republic.
Saving the Planet Means Overthrowing the Ruling Elites
Sep 23, 2019 The protests against carbon emissions have been huge failures. If we don't free ourselves from the elites' chokehold, our species is doomed.
Our Invisible Government
Sep 16, 2019 American intelligence agencies are the nation’s enemy from within and the Praetorian Guard of sinister forces.
The Capitalists Are Afraid
Sep 9, 2019 A Business Roundtable statement about the purpose of corporations shows that ruling elites fear their crimes are coming back to haunt them.
The Last Act of the Human Comedy
Sep 2, 2019 The pattern of collapsing civilizations is not new. What is new is that this time there is no way out.
The Curse of Moral Purity
Aug 26, 2019 The empty moral crusades championed by the left and the right are stoking the fires of fanaticism.
The World According to George Galloway
Aug 19, 2019 The outspoken socialist and icon of the British left looks at Boris Johnson, Trump, Brexit, Islamophobia, political chaos and more.
Fear vs. Fear
Aug 12, 2019 Trump seeks to hold on to power by stoking hate, but the tactics of his Democratic foes are as insidious.
The Artist as Prophet
Aug 5, 2019 Artists who tell the truth are the mortal enemies of despots, who seek to distort the past, the present and the future.
The Great Flood
Jul 29, 2019 Rising sea levels and monster storms will intensify and flood the earth’s coasts as we enter the age of the “long emergency.”
Scapegoating Iran
Jul 22, 2019 Don’t expect U.S. politicians and generals to accept responsibility for the Mideast mess when they can blame it on Iran.
Worshipping the Electronic Image
Jul 15, 2019 Our post-literate culture has crippled us intellectually and produced a president whose babble replicates the nonsensical diatribes of the age.
War, Memory and Gettysburg
Jul 8, 2019 War is, and always has been, about the betrayal of the young by the old, idealists by cynics and soldiers by politicians.
The Dilemma of Vladimir Lenin
Jul 1, 2019 His contrasting roles as revolutionary tactician and dictator offer lessons for a U.S. society under the heel of capitalist greed.
Burning Down the Future
Jun 24, 2019 London's Grenfell Tower tragedy, a 2017 fire in which 72 died, signals the corporatist triumph of greed over life.
The Coming Show Trial of Julian Assange
Jun 17, 2019 The American, British and Swedish judicial systems have been manipulated and corrupted to ensure the publisher is extradited to the U.S.
The Thought Police Are Coming
Jun 11, 2019 The oppression of WikiLeaks publisher Julian Assange heralds a frightening new totalitarianism.
The Cult of Trump
Jun 10, 2019 Only when we understand Donald Trump as a cult leader, rather than a traditional politician, can we build effective resistance to him and his cult followers.
Manufacturing War With Russia
Jun 3, 2019 The demonization of Putin and Russia was designed to poison bilateral relations, boost U.S. war industry profits and make détente impossible.
The Mass Media Is Poisoning Us With Hate
May 27, 2019 News outlets on both the left and the right are raking in big profits by intentionally pitting American against American.
America’s Reproductive Slaves
May 20, 2019 A declining birthrate is driving the war on abortion rights. Our ruling capitalists know they are doomed if women cannot be forced to reproduce.
Integrity Forged in Cages
May 13, 2019 Former prisoners now graduating from Rutgers have triumphed over a system designed to crush them.
Creeping Toward Tyranny
May 6, 2019 The collapse of our democratic institutions began long before the arrival of Trump, who is capitalizing on the evisceration of the rule of law.
The Last Battle
Apr 29, 2019 If we do not join with the Cree and other indigenous peoples to halt oil extraction from tar sands, it will be “game over” for the planet.
Our Ever-Deadlier Police State
Apr 22, 2019 Better training and reforms are not the solution: The problem is that the system is designed to protect the rich at the expense of the poor.
Saying Goodbye to Planet Earth
Apr 15, 2019 Climate change is no mere "problem." We are in a planetary transition and will survive only if we rapidly create new forms of civilization.
Reckoning With Failure in the War on Terror
Apr 8, 2019 The endless conflict is the final gasp of the American Empire, signaling the end of hegemony abroad and democracy at home.
Only the Struggle Matters
Apr 1, 2019 The uprising in the streets of Paris illustrates the importance of resisting corporate oppression, no matter what the outcome.
Chelsea Manning and the New Inquisition
Mar 18, 2019 The whistleblower is back behind bars as the government continues to try to hide its crimes.
Israel’s Stranglehold on American Politics
Mar 10, 2019 The harder it becomes for Israel to sell its apartheid state, the more pronounced its already massive interference will become.
Giving the Bomb to Saudi Arabia’s Dr. Strangelove
Mar 3, 2019 Selling nuclear technology to the despotic kingdom is the most dangerous foreign policy decision ever made by the Trump administration.
Extinction Rebellion
Feb 24, 2019 On April 15, climate activists will attempt to shut down major cities to protest the ecocide orchestrated by the global elites.
Worshipping the Electronic Image
Feb 18, 2019 Our post-literate culture has crippled us intellectually and produced a president whose babble replicates the nonsensical diatribes of the age.
Peter Jackson’s Cartoon War
Feb 11, 2019 Though the dark futility and carnage of our current wars are rarely publicly acknowledged, we should at least be able to confront the suicidal idiocy of World War I.
Goodbye to the Dollar
Feb 4, 2019 The Trump administration accelerates the abandonment of the dollar as the world’s principal reserve currency, which will be fatal to the American empire.
The World to Come
Jan 28, 2019 The global ruling elites are preparing for dystopia. And we too should be.
Confronting the Culture of Death
Jan 21, 2019 We must face down the corporate capitalism that is destroying humanity and the ecosystem itself. Salvation is in resistance.
The ‘Private Governments’ That Subjugate U.S. Workers
Jan 14, 2019 Corporate dictatorships, under the ruling ideology of neoliberalism and libertarianism, have stripped away the rights of employees.
The Election Circus Begins
Jan 7, 2019 Send in the clowns: It’s time for another presidential campaign where politics is farce.
Resistance Is the Supreme Act of Faith
Dec 31, 2018 We can resist the radical evil enveloping our lives and our planet only when we acquire the faith that resistance always weakens the oppressor and empowers the oppressed.
Trump, the Quintessential American
Dec 17, 2018 The president and his ancestor in the art of the con, P.T. Barnum, are the true gods of our wealth-, celebrity- and power-obsessed society.
The Heresy of White Christianity
Dec 10, 2018 James H. Cone, the father of black liberation theology, understood that the privileged can never grasp religion's true essence.
The Film the Israel Lobby Does Not Want You to See
Dec 3, 2018 Undercover reporting shows how Israel spies on, smears and discredits pro-Palestine activities in the U.S. and buys off U.S. politicians.
Neoliberalism’s Dark Path to Fascism
Nov 26, 2018 The financial elites have engineered a monumental con job that threatens to rip away the remainder of our freedoms.
Are We About to Face Our Gravest Constitutional Crisis?
Nov 19, 2018 Trump has a few weeks left to fire Mueller and seize despotic power.
Crucifying Julian Assange
Nov 12, 2018 The media's refusal to defend the WikiLeaks publisher is a betrayal of press freedom.
Scum vs. Scum
Nov 5, 2018 There is no way in these or any of our elections to vote against the interests of the corporate state.
The Cult of Trump
Oct 29, 2018 Only when we understand Donald Trump as a cult leader, rather than a traditional politician, can we build effective resistance to him and his cult followers.
The Rule of the Uber-Rich Means Tyranny or Revolution
Oct 22, 2018 Their greed will crush society and the ecosystem unless they are driven from power.
Homeless America
Oct 8, 2018 The stories of extreme poverty will be increasingly familiar as our ruling elites amass greater wealth and our society devolves into corporate tyranny.
Lynching the Past
Oct 1, 2018 Many Southern whites continue to lie to themselves and the world about the Civil War and the antebellum South. These lies perpetuate the evil they seek to hide.
American Anomie
Sep 24, 2018 In an era of "ruleless-ness," society opens the door to self-destructive pathologies and demagogues.
The Culture of Hate
Sep 17, 2018 In researching his new book, Truthdig columnist Chris Hedges mingled with groups driven by antipathy for Muslims and others. This excerpt from "America: The Farewell Tour" offers intimate portraits of a few of their members.
Conjuring Up the Next Depression
Sep 10, 2018 The world's central banks have injected trillions in fabricated money into the global financial system. Now the only question is when the catastrophic explosion will occur.
The Slaves Rebel
Sep 3, 2018 Hundreds of prisoners across 17 states are striking over pay and horrific living conditions. Americans on the outside have a moral obligation to help them.
Saying Goodbye to Planet Earth
Aug 19, 2018 Climate change is not simply an environmental problem—it is a planetary transition. We will survive only if we rapidly evolve to create new forms of civilization.
The ‘Gig Economy’ Is the New Term for Serfdom
Aug 12, 2018 In this reposted column, Chris Hedges argues that the capitalist elites want everyone else to be temp workers trapped in demeaning, low-paying, part-time, service-sector jobs without job security or benefits.
The Useful Idiocy of Donald Trump
Aug 5, 2018 The oligarchic and military elites have a handmaiden in the Oval Office, and he won’t be ousted as long as he serves their interests.
The Permanent Lie, Our Deadliest Threat
Jul 29, 2018 The collapse of democratic institutions has opened the way to a corporate tyranny built, like all tyrannies, on the permanent lie.
The War on Assange Is a War on Press Freedom
Jul 15, 2018 The arrest of the WikiLeaks founder, which appears near, would be the first domino to fall. Afterward, thousands of publishers, editors and reporters in the U.S. would be in peril.
The Con of Diversity
Jul 8, 2018 Racial diversity in the hands of the ruling elites—political and corporate—is a tool for preserving white privilege, wealth and power.
America the Failed State
Jul 1, 2018 The Canadian philosopher and writer John Ralston Saul says the U.S. government is undergoing a “corporate coup d'état in slow motion” and that the coup, which includes the Trump election, could put the nation on the path to being a failed state.
The Soldier’s Tale
Jun 24, 2018 Spenser Rapone—dismissed by some of his classmates at West Point as the “communist cadet”—courageously confronted the military’s toxic hyper-masculinity, misogyny, racism and role as the enforcer for global capitalism.
Et Tu, Bernie?
Jun 17, 2018 Sen. Bernie Sanders, once an independent maverick, has been politically neutered by the Democratic Party establishment and is becoming a parody of himself.
Scapegoating Iran
Jun 10, 2018 The wars in the Middle East are the worst strategic blunders in American history. But don’t expect U.S. politicians and generals to accept responsibility for the mess when they can blame it on Iran.
The Second Sight of W.E.B. Du Bois
Jun 3, 2018 The famed sociologist saw what most white intellectuals could not: the savage nature of an American empire intent on suppressing and exploiting people of color in the U.S. and across the world.
Teaching ‘Les Misérables’ in Prison
May 27, 2018 Victor Hugo’s epic novel about an ex-convict's fight to find redemption gave my incarcerated students a lens to see their own lives and struggle for dignity in a society as heartless to the poor as 19th-century France.
The Coming Collapse
May 20, 2018 Every day the foundations of our institutions decay more, but American society is emotionally unable to grasp the mortal danger that approaches.
Killing Gaza
May 13, 2018 Hunger, sickness, terror, despair and Israeli military violence routinely afflict and kill the entrapped people of Gaza. The new film “Killing Gaza” explains in heartbreaking detail why Palestinians have been risking their lives during seven weeks of nonviolent protests.
Chaco Canyon, Chaco Earth
Apr 22, 2018 In New Mexico, a great civilization built a complex religious and administrative center that now lies in ruins. The ghosts there are whispering a message to us: Adapt to a changing world or die.
The Cult of Violence Always Kills the Left
Apr 16, 2018 In an interview, Mark Rudd looks back with regret on his advocacy of violence as a young radical, and he offers up some advice for today’s activists: “The thing about nonviolence is that it works.”
The Campaign to Exterminate Muslims
Apr 8, 2018 Israel’s slaughter of unarmed Gazans doesn’t bother most Americans because we have been indoctrinated into dehumanizing Muslims. We and others live in a world where murder and racism are state policy.
The Oligarchs’ ‘Guaranteed Basic Income’ Scam
Apr 1, 2018 Don’t buy the oily declarations from the tech billionaires and others that they want to help you survive financially. What they want is to more fully stuff their own pockets.
‘The Gig Economy’ Is the New Term for Serfdom
Mar 25, 2018 The capitalist elites want everyone else to be temp workers trapped in demeaning, low-paying, part-time, service-sector jobs without job security or benefits. For a prime example of this, check out what Uber and Lyft have done to taxi drivers, and their own drivers, in New York City.
Building the Iron Wall
Mar 18, 2018 A corporate censorship is being imposed, inch by inch, step by step. It begins by silencing the demonized. It ends by silencing everyone.
The Empty Piety of the American Press
Mar 11, 2018 What we are offered by broadcast and print news outlets is great entertainment. It is great for ratings. It is great for profits. But it is not moral, and it is not journalism.
Legalizing Tyranny
Mar 4, 2018 The U.S. judicial system routinely provides unfair trials and coerces defendants—often poor people of color, and often innocent—into accepting plea deals that call for brutally long sentences.
How We Fight Fascism
Feb 18, 2018 Clara Zetkin, persecuted and exiled by the Nazis in the 1930s, warned that the longer the stagnation and rot of a dysfunctional democracy go unaddressed, the more attractive fascism will be.
The Deadly Rule of the Oligarchs
Feb 11, 2018 Aristotle would recognize America’s deviant form of government. It’s a perversion in which parasitic elites irrationally pursue money, power and hedonism.
The Bankruptcy of the American Left
Feb 5, 2018 As long as liberals allow themselves to be divided by identity politics and the culture wars, they will be under the heel of a rapacious corporate capitalism.
The Useful Idiocy of Donald Trump
Jan 28, 2018 The oligarchic and military elites have a handmaiden in the Oval Office, and he won’t be ousted as long as he serves their interests.
Thought Police for the 21st Century
Jan 21, 2018 Google, Facebook and other companies are “protecting” us by imposing a censorship that drains the remaining blood of democracy and free expression.
Martin Luther King’s Revolutionary Dream Deferred
Jan 13, 2018 Despite efforts to sanitize the real King, the radical King, the fight to end his "three evils"—racism, poverty and militarism—continues today.
Corpses of Souls
Jan 7, 2018 Walker Percy’s 1971 novel “Love in the Ruins” envisions a U.S. scuttled by moral degeneration, cruelty, violence and ignorance. It presciently describes society's spiritual and physical decay.
The Visionless Society
Dec 31, 2017 Ralph Nader says American democratic institutions have been dismantled by corporate power and must be rebuilt from the ground up.
What Christmas Means
Dec 24, 2017 The tale of Jesus’ birth is not for oppressors. It is for the oppressed. And what is quaint and picturesque to those who live in privilege is visceral and empowering to those the world condemns.
The Permanent Lie, Our Deadliest Threat
Dec 17, 2017 The collapse of democratic institutions has opened the way to a corporate tyranny built, like all tyrannies, on the permanent lie.
Zero Hour in Palestine
Dec 6, 2017 Trump’s decision to move the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem eradicates all pretense of a peace agreement or respect for the rule of law. It leaves the boycott, divestment and sanctions movement as the last tool to achieve justice for Palestinians.
A Women’s Revolt That Targets Far More Than Sexual Abuse
Dec 3, 2017 The current movement is not just toppling predators in high places: It is defying the core sickness and rigid hierarchy of corporate culture.
Enabling Genocide
Nov 26, 2017 The sentencing of a former general for the slaughter of civilians in the Bosnian war is a bitter reminder: Key nations of the West, including the U.S., have been deeply complicit in genocide.
Behind the Mask of the ‘Moderates’
Nov 19, 2017 Canada is only one of the democracies that, like the U.S., have been undermined by leaders who appeared to champion liberal values as they sold out to the highest corporate bidders.
Fight the Disease, Not the Symptoms
Nov 12, 2017 The symptoms of globalized corporate capitalism are the same, whether in India, Turkey, Russia or the U.S. They must not be confused with the disease.
American Psychosis
Oct 29, 2017 The barrage of lies from demagogues such as Donald Trump creates profound cognitive dissonance among the population that ends in a nationwide collective mental illness.
Our Ever-Deadlier Police State
Oct 22, 2017 Better training and reforms are not the solution: The problem with U.S. law enforcement is that the system is designed to protect the interests of the rich at the expense of the poor.
Faces of Pain, Faces of Hope
Oct 8, 2017 Intentional communities of young men and women, cast aside by the corporate state, are lighting the embers of resistance.
The End of Empire
Oct 1, 2017 The death spiral appears unstoppable, meaning the U.S. as we know it will no longer exist within a decade or, at most, two.
The Abuses of History
Sep 24, 2017 "History" often is a tool for keeping power in the hands of the elite. The controversy over Confederate monuments points up the mendacious national narrative that has been spoon-fed to Americans.
The Silencing of Dissent
Sep 17, 2017 Now that the ideology of global capitalism has been discredited, the ruling elites are turning to blacklists, internet censorship and charges of “fake news” to shut down their critics.
The Price of Resistance
Apr 18, 2017 To stand with the oppressed means being treated like the oppressed.The Return of American Race Laws
Feb 27, 2017 The campaign to deport millions is a first step toward the clash of civilizations that the white supremacists in the White House believe is inevitable at home and abroad.
When Fear Comes
Jan 9, 2017 Fear, a despotic state’s most potent weapon, keeps a population compliant. It will be lavishly supplied as we are thrust into a new dark age.