
Biology Is Not Destiny
Mar 8, 2019 To honor Women's History Month, Truthdig focuses on selections from Simone de Beauvoir's "The Second Sex," which kindled a revolution in 1949.
African Feminists Emphasize Key to Global Peace
Sep 25, 2018 Our planet's fate is tied to the status of women, whose revolutions have freed and saved the lives of millions without weapons, without fists, without a drop of blood spilled.
The Birth of American Empire
Jul 20, 2018 Stephen Kinzer's book illuminates the decisions of 1898-1902 that set the course of American wars and the overthrow of governments into the 21st century.
Soldiers of Peace
Dec 12, 2017 A new book by a West Point graduate is a trove of insight for peace activism, combining the directness of military training with Greek myth and early classics.
The Violent American Century
Oct 27, 2017 A new book asks how the top global military superpower and largest weapons trader can remain a beacon of democratic ideals.
Female Equality Is Key to a Sustainable Future
Aug 29, 2017 Missing from many conversations about the impact of global warming is an understanding of how women in particular are affected.
Marines’ ‘Always Faithful’ Motto Doesn’t Apply to Fellow Females
Jun 5, 2017 Online nude-photo scandal underscores a pigheaded cluelessness about women in the ranks.
The Burn Pits
Jan 6, 2017 A former Marine exposes the contamination of U.S. soldiers at overseas military bases from open fire pits that incinerated everything from nuclear waste to corpses.