
Fear and Our Political World
Nov 16, 2018 Philosopher Martha Nussbaum writes, "Monarchs feed on fear from below. Fear of the monarch's punishment ensures compliance. And fear of outside threats ensures voluntary servitude."
Rot and Rehabilitation in the American Penal System
Jul 13, 2018 Rachel Kushner's new novel set in a women's prison brims with morally tainted characters who are also victims of repressive and dehumanizing incarceration.
The Crisis of Multiculturalism in Europe
Feb 2, 2018 A new book examines the phenomenon of migration in Europe: "The twin concerns of empire and labor ... drove the emergence of multicultural societies."
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Feb 27, 2017 In his new novel, Paul Auster manages to conjoin gimmickry and genius, as readers find their perspective radically altered by a detail unveiled at the end.
The Return
Oct 14, 2016 "When Qaddafi took my father," Hisham Matar writes in the long-awaited nonfiction account of his father's disappearance, "he placed me in a space not much bigger than the cell Father was in. I paced back and forth, anger in one direction, hatred in the other, until I could feel my insides grow small and hard."
Their Promised Land
Jun 10, 2016 Were Ian Buruma not an acclaimed historian, this book would probably never have been published. Yet the story of his grandparents, which spans both world wars, is full of resonance for contemporary Europe’s struggle with mass immigration and national identity.
At Home in Exile, an Ode to the Richness of Jewish Diaspora Life
May 1, 2015 In his new book, Alan Wolfe presents his view that Jewish universalism is rooted in "the passion for justice that so moved the Hebrew prophets."
Jan 9, 2015 A new book is arguably the best account of what went wrong with the project to turn Baathist Iraq into a liberal democracy, but flawed by the insistence that failure was inevitable due to Iraq's sociopolitical realities.
The House With a Sunken Courtyard
Jan 3, 2014 The narrator of this Korean novel recalls the year that his family spent living alongside four other struggling families in the cramped quarters of a formerly grand old house in the wake of the Korean War.
Pink Sari Revolution
Aug 17, 2013 This is the story of India's Pink Gang, a grass-roots movement that confronts Indian officialdom over the rights of the poor and the marginalized, especially women.This book tells the story of India's Pink Gang, a grass-roots movement that confronts Indian officialdom over the rights of the poor and the marginalized, especially women.