
An Alienated Culture Grooms Women for Cults
Apr 23, 2019 A society rife with loneliness puts pressure on women to be compliant and not make waves, making them ripe prey for sociopaths.
RBG: Woman, Jew, Mother, Justice
Mar 15, 2019 For Women's History Month, we review a book on the extraordinary life of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
Gerald Ford’s Would-Be Assassin Back Behind Bars at 89
Mar 14, 2019 She violated the terms of her lifetime parole by leaving the country without permission.
E-Scooters Are Giving Cities Headaches—and Worse
Feb 21, 2019 Tech-happy riders in San Francisco and Los Angeles love the new "green" machines, but for other city dwellers, they're hell on wheels.
Predators Home In on Developmentally Disabled Women
Feb 18, 2019 It’s time society took seriously the care and protection of its most vulnerable citizens.
How Alaska ‘Gets the Shaft’ From Canada’s Mining Industry
Nov 7, 2018 Disasters in British Columbia, where many Canadian mines are located, can have devastating effects downstream.
Immigration Crackdown Puts Abused Women in Double Jeopardy
Nov 6, 2018 The climate of fear is frustrating for law enforcement personnel, who want victims to know they are there to protect women and children.