Justice Dept. Rejects Google’s Stand on Privacy

Feb 27, 2006
The U.S. government pushes back at the search giant, insisting that a request to examine millions of Internet users' search queries would not violate privacy rights. This could lead to the most fevered technology trial since the Microsoft antitrust case. Check out an excellent Truthdig essay on the issue here.
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Annan Backs Guantanamo Closure

Feb 17, 2006
In the wake of a UN report condemning the US treatment of prisoners at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, the U secretary-general says America must shut down the prison "as soon as possible" U officials react about as you might expect Earlier: Read about the former U interrogator whose book blew the lid off inhumane practices at Gitmo Update: From the Jordan Times (via Watching America): "It is immensely sad that the U should end up imitating the worst aspects of the very systems it says it wants to 'democratize'".

In Their Own Words

Feb 16, 2006
Newly released photos and videos of inhumane conditions at Abu Ghraib have again shone a spotlight on America's treatment of its prisoners Read the sworn statements by prisoners at Abu Ghraib, obtained and translated by the Washington Post in 2004 at the height of the prison abuse scandal Excerpt: "As soon as we arrived, they put sandbags over our heads and they kept beating us And every single night this military guy comes over and beat us and handcuffed us until the end of his shift".

In Google, Yahoo, Should We Trust?

Feb 15, 2006
For years, we've been supplying the oracles of Google and Yahoo with the most intimate details our personal health, political leanings, and secret obsessions. The government is already combing through Internet archives.Mark Malseed, co-author of the international bestseller "The Google Story," argues that it's time we started asking better questions about our queries. For years, we've been supplying the oracles of Google and Yahoo with the most intimate details our personal health, political leanings, and secret obsessions. It's time we started asking better questions about our queries.