
Evangelicals Make War on Evolution

Feb 7, 2007
This short documentary is perhaps as scary as it gets: Creationists indoctrinate children into believing that humans and dinosaurs coexisted a few thousand years ago. Want to see what this kind of indoctrination leads to? Read Andrew Sullivan describing why it's impossible for him to ever doubt the existence of God.

Firestorm Over Attack on Yale Singers

Jan 14, 2007
Nearly two weeks after a group of San Francisco high school students assaulted the members of a Yale all-male a capella singing group -- leaving two hospitalized -- charges of homophobia, a police cover-up and local political indifference are making headway in the national news media Comprehensive coverage Cops finish questioning singers (two weeks late) <!--Check out a recent (non-attack) video of the Yale singing group, The Baker's Dozen-->.
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Generation F

Aug 30, 2006
The national SAT score average has suffered its most severe drop in 30 years. Educators insist that kids are just as intelligent, but that a recent redesign of the test, which placed increased emphasis on math and critical reading skills, is to blame for the poor showing.