
Duke Reinstating Lacrosse Team

Jun 6, 2006
Duke University President Richard Brodhead said about his decision: "I am, I know, taking a risk in reinstating men's lacrosse [but] if we did not allow these players the chance to take responsibility for creating a new history for their sport at Duke, we would be denying another very fundamental value: the belief in the possibility of learning from experience, the belief in education itself" .
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Sex Week at Yale Draws Controversy, Porn Stars

Feb 18, 2006
A prudish Harvard student, writing in a conservative campus newspaper, says the following of Yale's annual ode to sex: "I don't see how bringing a Playboy stripper to campus is helping anything." No surprise there. The Yale contingent at Truthdig knows from experience that Cantabs are sooooo uptight.

Bush Pushes Math and Science? Oh, Please…

Feb 6, 2006
The president may be urging algebra and chemistry on high-schoolers, but his administration can't run away from the chilling effect it has had on scientific inquiry For example, a young presidential appointee at NASA ordered Web designers to append the word "theory" after every mention of the Big Bang (scroll half-way down the article)Wanna know what it takes to become a NASA spokesman? Well, it doesn't hurt to write columns linking Saddam to Al Qaeda, or insisting that Rumsfeld had nothing to do with the Abu Ghraib prisoner abuse scandals.