Max Graham / GristNov 10, 2023
As waters warm, Alaska Native families confront a world without the fish that fed them for generations. Dig deeper ( 19 Min. Read )
Reynard Loki / IMIOct 24, 2023
The Tongass National Forest in Alaska is the largest national forest in the United States. We must preserve it. Dig deeper ( 21 Min. Read )
SETH BORENSTEIN / The Associated PressJan 15, 2020
Scientists say they see no end to the way human-caused climate change is adversely affecting the planet. Dig deeper ( 4 Min. Read )
Amy Goodman and Denis MoynihanOct 10, 2019
Columbus Day is increasingly being replaced by a celebration of indigenous peoples and their central role in our history and in our future. Dig deeper ( 3 Min. Read )
Thom Hartmann / Independent Media InstituteOct 3, 2019
As long as the U.S. and other nations cling to neoliberal economics, their citizens will continue to drift toward far-right authoritarians. Dig deeper ( 5 Min. Read )
Michael Klare / TomDispatchSep 13, 2019
From oil to diamonds, the Trump administration aims to plunder the region's natural resources, no matter the costs to human civilization. Dig deeper ( 10 Min. Read )
Dharna Noor / The Real News NetworkJul 9, 2019
Author Dahr Jamail reflects on Alaska's unprecedented heat wave and a climate crisis that will only grow more dire in the coming decades. Dig deeper ( 12 Min. Read )
MICHAEL BALSAMO / The Associated PressJun 29, 2019
The attorney general clears the way for a $10 million Justice Department grant to support law enforcement in the state's rural communities. Dig deeper ( 3 Min. Read )
Eoin Higgins / Common DreamsJun 19, 2019
Climate scientists sound the alarm after it is discovered that areas of the Arctic permafrost are thawing 70 years ahead of schedule. Dig deeper ( 2 Min. Read )
Kitty Block / Independent Media InstituteJun 13, 2019
A new administration initiative could overturn federal rules prohibiting trophy hunting and trapping in the state's protected wilderness. Dig deeper ( 3 Min. Read )
Jane Kay / RevealJan 8, 2019
Izembek National Wildlife Refuge has been protected for decades. Now it's being opened to development, with potentially dire consequences. Dig deeper ( 12 Min. Read )
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