Tracy Bloom / TruthdigJan 10, 2013
The vice president pledged Wednesday that the White House will take action on gun control in the wake of the Newtown, Conn., school shooting. Dig deeper ( 1 Min. Read )
Tracy Bloom / TruthdigDec 31, 2012
A look at the day's political happenings, including the company that would rather pay a daily $1.3 million fine than fund contraceptive coverage and a news magazine's accidental posting of an obituary of an ex-president who is still alive. Dig deeper ( 3 Min. Read )
E.J. Dionne Jr. / TruthdigDec 31, 2012
We must act forcefully to contain gun violence, and that is a political matter. But a year that ended on notes of heroism in response to natural disaster and endurance in response to human horror brings to mind George H.W. Bush's challenge: We need to become "a kinder, gentler nation." That seems a worthy resolution for 2013. Dig deeper ( 3 Min. Read )
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Tracy Bloom / TruthdigDec 24, 2012
During a Sunday morning appearance on NBC's "Meet the Press," Wayne LaPierre doubled down on his much-maligned proposal to have armed guards in American schools. Dig deeper ( 1 Min. Read )
Tracy Bloom / TruthdigDec 21, 2012
A look at the day's political happenings, including speculation about actor Ben Affleck's political future and Rachel Maddow's sounding off on the government's weak gun regulation efforts. Dig deeper ( 3 Min. Read )
By Ralph NaderDec 21, 2012
From such horrible tragedies emerge the beginnings of a national movement that shift sanctimonious politicians from talking to acting. Dig deeper ( 4 Min. Read )
E.J. Dionne Jr. / TruthdigDec 20, 2012
The gun lobby and the weapons merchants are counting on our notoriously short national attention span. They are counting on confusion, obfuscation and the quiet mobilization of allies to create one delay after another. Dig deeper ( 3 Min. Read )
Tracy Bloom / TruthdigDec 20, 2012
A look at the day's political happenings, including why conservatives think Hillary Clinton's faking a concussion and Time reveals its 2012 Person of the Year. Dig deeper ( 2 Min. Read )
Tracy Bloom / TruthdigDec 20, 2012
According to anti-feminist and backward-thinking author Charlotte Allen, the killing spree in Newtown, Conn., could have been avoided if only another man had been there and the setting hadn't been so "feminized." Dig deeper ( 3 Min. Read )
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