
Chin Up, John McCain — There’s Always Tomorrow

Sep 17, 2008
John McCain's Tuesday was so filled with gaffes and bad news that no one seemed to notice when one of his top advisers held a BlackBerry aloft and declared "you're looking at the miracle that John McCain helped create." That spectacle simply couldn't compete with former HP CEO Carly Fiorina and, more significantly, the very public failure of deregulation.

Socialism for the Super-Rich

Sep 17, 2008
Here we go again: The Federal Reserve is bailing out another tanking financial institution -- the insurance behemoth American International Group -- by sinking $85 billion into AIG in return for a stake in the company. Meanwhile, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has called for a Wall Street investigation following this latest startling agreement between big government and big business.
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Former Reagan Official: White House Sanctioned Georgia-Russia Conflict

Aug 16, 2008
Paul Craig Roberts, who was assistant secretary of the treasury during Ronald Reagan's presidency, sees the Georgia-Russia conflict differently than the Bush administration does: "Americans themselves have nothing to gain," Roberts said Friday; "What is operating is the dangerous ideology of the American neoconservatives whose goal is to assert American hegemony over the entire world."

The Real Legacy of the ‘Reagan Revolution’

Jul 16, 2008
McCain campaign co-chair Phil Gramm is right: We have "become a nation of whiners." But who is whining more than the bankers that former Sen. Gramm's financial deregulation legislation benefited? The very bankers who now expect a government bailout, such as those at UBS Investment Bank, where Gramm found lucrative employment.

McCain Adviser: Recession All in Our Minds

Jul 11, 2008
According to Phil Gramm, the former senator from Texas who's now a key economic adviser to Sen. John McCain, America's economic woes, insofar as they actually exist, are the product of some stinking thinking by "a nation of whiners" and doom-and-gloom headlines from the U.S. media.

Obama and the Other Clinton

Apr 28, 2008
Ryan Lizza in The New Yorker quotes a Bill Clinton aide explaining why there has been so much tension between the former president and Barack Obama: "I think this campaign has enraged him He doesn't like Obama" Why? Here's one theory: While Hillary Clinton has adopted her husband's legacy, Barack Obama has been assailing it.