Michael Kwet / TruthdigJan 13, 2025
The Stop Terror-Financing bill would strangle nonprofits on the political and financial edge. Dig deeper ( 4 Min. Read )
AYA BATRAWY / The Associated PressJan 22, 2020
An immediate inquiry is sought amid findings Mohammed bin Salman appears to have had access to Washington Post owner's private messages. Dig deeper ( 4 Min. Read )
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Maj. Danny Sjursen / TruthdigJan 21, 2020
The U.S. war on the free press, free speech, and dissent more generally, are all rooted in the so-called "Good War." Dig deeper ( 8 Min. Read )
Maj. Danny Sjursen / TruthdigOct 24, 2019
The mostly retired military leaders are clamoring to prolong an unsanctioned war with a muddled and dubious mission in Syria. Dig deeper ( 6 Min. Read )
Staff / TruthdigMar 23, 2018
The Truthdig columnist and U.S. Army officer tells Truthdig Editor in Chief Robert Scheer that U.S. foreign policy since 9/11 makes us less safe. Dig deeper ( 23 Min. Read )
Eric Ortiz / TruthdigFeb 24, 2018
When did the FBI, or any U.S. intelligence agency, become Veritas, the virtue of truthfulness and model of integrity? Dig deeper ( 5 Min. Read )
Staff / TruthdigDec 29, 2017
In a tough year, our most popular opinion pieces provided analysis of the news and solutions for the problems we face. Dig deeper ( 7 Min. Read )
By Sarah Lazare / AlterNetJan 23, 2017
More than 200 who were mass-arrested in Washington, D.C., on Friday are facing up to 10 years behind bars. Dig deeper ( 5 Min. Read )
By William J. Astore / TomDispatchAug 12, 2016
Assuming that many privates and generals have complicated, often highly critical feelings about various crises of war-making, why don’t they ever express them publicly? Dig deeper ( 12 Min. Read )
Jamie McGurk / AlternetAug 2, 2016
As a member of the California delegation, I could see that the Democratic convention was never going to be a harmonious melding of two campaigns The Clintonites were fighting not a candidate but a wildfire As a member of the California delegation, I could see that the Democratic convention was never going to be a harmonious melding of two campaigns. Dig deeper ( 22 Min. Read )
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