Staff / TruthdigJul 28, 2009
In the midst of a recession with continuously rising unemployment, Vice President Joe Biden and Attorney General Eric Holder announced Tuesday that the government will hand out $1 billion in grants to law enforcement agencies across the country. The money will go toward hiring and rehiring police officers in all 50 states. Dig deeper ( 1 Min. Read )
Staff / TruthdigApr 24, 2009
What to make of the administration's policy on holding torturers accountable? Attorney General Eric Holder says he "will not permit the criminalization of policy differences," but will pursue wrongdoing "to the full extent of the law." The problem here is that when it comes to torture, policy differences just might be criminal. Dig deeper ( 1 Min. Read )
Staff / TruthdigApr 17, 2009
After President Obama announced that the CIA operatives who employed harsh interrogation methods (read: torture) on suspected terrorists during the Bush administration won't be subject to legal repercussions, the Department of Justice made four "torture memos" publicly available on Thursday. Dig deeper ( 1 Min. Read )
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Staff / TruthdigApr 2, 2009
Former Sen. Ted Stevens of Alaska probably lost his seat because he was convicted of corruption charges, but now his guilt may be in doubt. At the direction of Attorney General Eric Holder, the Justice Department has asked a federal judge to set aside the verdict and dismiss the indictment because of prosecutorial shenanigans. Dig deeper ( 1 Min. Read )
Staff / TruthdigFeb 19, 2009
Speaking at a Justice Department event in honor of Black History Month, the first black attorney general, appointed by the first black president, acknowledged that America has made progress but warned that "in things racial we have always been and continue to be, in too many ways, essentially a nation of cowards." His full remarks, after the jump. Dig deeper ( 9 Min. Read )
Staff / TruthdigFeb 3, 2009
On Monday, the U.S. Senate gave the nod to Eric Holder, President Barack Obama's pick for attorney general, making Holder the first African-American put in charge of the Justice Department. Dig deeper ( 1 Min. Read )
Staff / TruthdigJan 17, 2009
Attorney general nominee Eric H. Holder Jr. has announced a groundbreaking hypothesis on waterboarding: It's torture. The position, which contradicts piles of Bush-era law literature defending the practice, is just one step in an avowed process to fix many of the problems riddling current Justice Department policy. Dig deeper ( 1 Min. Read )
Staff / TruthdigDec 1, 2008
As expected, President-elect Barack Obama named Sen. Hillary Clinton as his choice for secretary of state and gave Robert Gates the opportunity to continue his work as secretary of defense -- just two in a series of high-powered nominations Obama announced Monday. Dig deeper ( 2 Min. Read )
Staff / TruthdigNov 19, 2008
According to multiple reports, Barack Obama has settled on Eric Holder as his attorney general. So who is he? Holder has been a deputy attorney general in the Clinton administration, a U.S. attorney, a judge, a prominent Washington lawyer and one of the advisers responsible for Obama's VP vetting. He would be the first black attorney general and happens to rock a fairly impressive mustache. Dig deeper ( 1 Min. Read )
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