BLANKDec 25, 2009
A wondrous new collection of previously unpublished vintage Vonnegut confirms his enduring and subversive ear for the absurd and the tragicomic. Dig deeper ( 6 Min. Read )
BLANKDec 1, 2009
The Truthdig columnist, veteran war correspondent and author of "War Is a Force That Gives Us Meaning" tells "On the Media" that when it comes to capturing war, "fiction is a better medium." Dig deeper ( 1 Min. Read )
By Gary PhillipsNov 12, 2009
Truthdig is pleased to present an excerpt from Gary Phillips' novel "Freedom’s Fight," which interweaves real historical figures and situations in a fictive narrative about World War II, focusing not just on the black soldier’s struggle, but also on the debates various civil rights groups had about the war stateside.The historical novel "Freedom's Fight" focuses on black soldiers in World War II and the debates about the war among civil rights groups stateside. Dig deeper ( 21 Min. Read )
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Staff / TruthdigDec 30, 2008
The fluidity of memory aside, this is getting a little strange: Following in the footsteps of James Frey, Misha Defonseca and Margaret Seltzer, yet another "memoirist," Herman Rosenblat, has admitted that his supposedly true story, "Angel at the Fence," is a bit lacking in the truth department. Dig deeper ( 1 Min. Read )
BLANKApr 25, 2008
When the second plane hit the second skyscraper on 9/11, how many of us knew then just how radically our world would change? Dig deeper ( 12 Min. Read )
Jabari Asim / TruthdigDec 12, 2006
Let's cut authors like Ian McEwan a little slack and allow him to "sample" from other works in the same way that every other artist does. Dig deeper ( 3 Min. Read )
Staff / TruthdigJan 18, 2006
The line between fact and fiction blurs more often in memoirs than we'd like to believe, as this article makes clear | storyHey, that sounds like a perfect medium for a certain POTUS we know browse the book. Dig deeper ( 1 Min. Read )
Staff / TruthdigJan 17, 2006
Kakutani and Haberman slam the "Million Little Pieces" fabulist for his BS spin attempt | There seems to be no end to the number of potential headline puns stemming from "A Million Little" . Dig deeper ( 1 Min. Read )
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