green party

Truthdig’s in-depth coverage of the Green Party, the third-largest political party in the United States, focusing on environmental issues and progressivism.

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Trump for President? Giving the GOP Nightmares

Jun 22, 2015
If Donald Trump survives the first three months of mass media drubbing and his notorious affliction of "leaving no impulsive opinion behind," he’s going to be trouble for the other 15 or so Republican presidential candidates.

California’s Top-Two Primary Eliminates Third-Party Rivals

Jun 8, 2014
Primary elections originated in the American progressive movement and were intended to take the power of candidate nomination away from party leaders and deliver it to the people. California’s top two primary takes power away from those third parties representing the 99 percent and delivers it to the 1 percent.

College Athletes Hope to Find Power in a Union

Jan 31, 2014
This week on Truthdig Radio in association with KPFK: Student athletes want more than scholarships for their billion dollar labor, Dr. Jill Stein and Aura Bogado respond to the State of the Union, why the Costco model beats the Walmart model, and arguably the most powerful progressive in the House retires.