
Human Handprint Marks Australia’s Hottest Year

Oct 4, 2014
Despite the Australian prime minister’s climate science skepticism, research funded by taxpayers has unanimously found man-made climate change guilty of causing the country’s record-breaking temperatures last year.

Aircon Turns Up the City Heat

Jun 9, 2014
As cities get hotter in the changing climate, the increased use of air conditioners is worsening the problem -- especially at night, U.S. researchers say.

El Niño Blows Hot and Cold

May 26, 2014
Analysis of historic data about the mysterious El Niño, which periodically unleashes devastating weather, reveals that it has a bad local side and an even worse global side -- and another may be on its way.
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Ozone Rise Will Choke U.S. Cities

May 18, 2014
Poor air quality and health problems are expected to become the summertime norm across the country as ground level ozone rises 70 percent.

Droughts May Slash U.S. Maize Gains

May 15, 2014
Scientists warn that high yields in America’s Corn Belt states could drop by up to 30 percent as crops become increasingly sensitive to droughts and hot, dry air in a warming climate.